Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The New DIY Inspired Baby Girl Nursery Progress

So I recently let you all know I'm pregnant - well I'm 22 weeks right now and we just found out we are having a baby girl! Here's the proof:

Well I knew I wanted the nursery to be very gender neutral even though we were going to find out the gender in the end anyway. My goal was to spend as little as possible - re-imagining things I already had. Here are a few pics of the space so far. I do have four and half months left to go so I'll be doing more customizing as things come along but I've made some serious progress.

The book shelf hanging on the wall under the shelf was actually a plate rack I got for a few bucks at an antique store and re-purposed as a  book rack- one of the BEST things I've ever done and all I did was add hangers on the back - super easy. - See the curtains - those are really table cloths I got on clearance at target! I added rings I already had in the house and instant curtains for cheap! The antique push cart was free from a co-worker friend. Thanks Nancy :)

The corbels underneath the shelf were $5 at a store going out of business. I adore them.
I already had the chair, lamp, pillow, and frames. I did by the ottoman storage cube just for this room for $29 at TJ maxx - one of the ONLY things I've bought for the room - not bad!
 I painted a crib that I was given by my husband's cousin. The bookshelf on the right was left in the house by the previous owners. The frame over the bed was free on the side of the road (Super Score right???)
 The pink dress in the back is $7 at TJ Maxx - it's adorable. The Scottie Dog Dress was $5 at TJ Maxx. I nearly died it was so cute - how can you say no to a scottie dog dress?

 I had bigger plans for my chalking - but I was tired...I am pregnant ya know!

I made the art above myself in Photoshop. I love it - so simple. 
 The print is of the  "Tale of Peter Rabbit". I had this custom framed for my mother when I was 8 years old. I picked out a triple mat (Pink, Green & Blue (hideous). My mom recently found it and gave it back to me to use :) I painted the oak frame white and replaced the triple mat with a single clean white one. Much better and more modern.

The shelf itself was a random piece of wood I found in the garage! Boom. The tiny piano was a gift from my grandpa - the perfume bottles are antiques from my mommy. The tool box on the right was $1 at a junk store - but I already had it. - and there are little booties that were a gift from a friend. I pretty much just looked around the house and pulled things I kinda liked...easy - peasy.

My almost 2 year old - making herself at home...in the nursery. Maybe she's trying to mark her former territory?? Anyway look at that sly smile :) She's adorable -  I can't wait to have another girl! I'm beyond excited and humbled. I'm so underserving of so much love and so many blessing.


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