Friday, January 17, 2014

New Year Resolutions

We are nearly halfway through January already - so I'm late to the resolution party...but I like to think I'm fashionably late. I'm not really a resolution person...I like the idea but I have a hard time deciding something to do or change and then sticking with it. Has anyone else struggled with that? Well this year I'm getting serious about it for a good reason. I have once child and another on the way and things are about to get really real all over again. My life is going to change in ways I can't anticipate but there is one thing that I can anticipate: I"m going to take a million photos of the precious child. I have a photography business and I am super organized about client photos but when it comes to my own photos I'm not that great at it. This year - 2014 - I am committing to changing my ways. To making the preservation of my family photos a priority. These are some of the ways I plan to do that:

1.) Download and backup every week
2.) Start creating a "year book" that I can add to throughout the year and print at the start of 2015
3.) Making special smaller photos books throughout the year
4.) Print more of the candid photos I take - & share with family and friends (not just online!!!)
5.) Create a space where I can display photos just from this year

I'll take you along my journey - hopefully you can learn from me and you can help keep me accountable.

My sweet niece (left) & my daughter (right) - they are almost 2 and only 3 weeks apart! How awesome & adorable

Also - a friend of mine has her own way of doing more with all those photos we take on our phones. It's called 52 pages...basically you take photos of regular things happening in your life with your phone - like you normally do, then you create a collage for that week and post. At the end of the year you'll have 52 weeks worth of photos that you can print into a little book. Brilliant right! Go here to get all the details.

Each of my 5 methods to better photo preservation will become their own blog post so be sure to stay tuned.

Peace and Love & Hooray for 2014!

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